Out-of-Town Buyers Have Unique Needs

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Out-of-Town Buyers Have Unique Needs

The first and perhaps biggest question: What made you decide to move here? Slow and methodical work in the beginning will make their visit more productive.

MIAMI – As agents cater to more clients from out-of-town, it’s essential to gain an understanding of your buyers’ motivations. Agents should conduct a virtual intake meeting in a tranquil environment and take detailed notes.

After they get to know the buyers and their motivations, agents should create a cover page and itinerary for showings, and for each listing, they should include the reason for a visit.

For instance, if a buyer needs to be near public transportation, the distance to the closest public transit option should be noted. Agents also should provide clients with objective information on such things as transportation, schools, local attractions and amenities through a neighborhood guide they create and print out, with access to the source of some of that information if it falls under the Fair Housing Act.

A good pace for viewing homes is eight per day, with lunch in the middle, for the first two days of a three-day visit. On the third day, take a second look at homes and make final decisions. The final day also should include a lunch reservation in a convenient location along with a short coffee break.

If parking is an issue, agents should consider hiring a car and driver for the client’s visit. Beyond making parking easier, it also gives agents time to chat with the clients between showings rather than navigate traffic.

When making the initial round of listing, agents should have clients rate each property immediately after viewing it. The rating can have a scale of 1 being undesirable to 5 being an ideal home. Doing so helps weed out any homes under a 4 and can help frame discussions about offers.

Source: Inman (05/27/22) Busby, Julie

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